Tavern Ventures: Guilds & Tales
Tavern Ventures: Guilds & Tales Crew

The ultimate
management RPG
Tavern game

Tavern Ventures: Guilds & Tales is a unique PC game that combines the intrigue of tavern management with the allure of RPG adventures in a magical world.

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Adventure Star image Strategy Star image Management Star image Fantasy Star image RPG Star image Adventure


in "Tavern Ventures: Guilds & Tales" is a core feature where players strategically enhance their tavern through upgrades. This involves careful resource management, menu decisions, and improving facilities to boost the tavern's appeal and efficiency, thereby attracting more patrons and adventurers.


is a pivotal feature, where players form teams of adventurers for various quests, including dungeon explorations for resources and engaging in strategic sabotage against rival taverns. This dynamic aspect blends team management with mission planning, significantly impacting the tavern's success and standing in the fantasy world.

Tavern keeper


Tavern Management
  • Menu & Prices: The choice of dishes and their pricing are in your hands, shaping the reputation of your tavern.
  • New Recipes: Expand your offerings by leveraging rumors, information exchange, quests, and collaboration with guilds to discover new culinary recipes.
  • Staff Management: Strategize in the recruitment of staff, scheduling their work, organizing training, and planning vacations.
  • Contract Negotiations: Maintain good relations with your employees by regularly negotiating the terms of their contracts.
  • Adventure Teams: Create cohesive teams, properly equip them, and send them on challenging adventures.
Rumors (Quests)
  • Gathering Rumors: Befriend tavern guests to gain valuable rumors that can affect the game world and your tavern.
  • Consequences of Choices: Every decision you make can unexpectedly change the world's fate – remember, your guests will remember your actions.
  • Team Preparation: Rumor-based quests require carefully prepared teams – their skill diversity and equipment are key to mission success.
  • Sources of Rumors: Acquire rumors not only from guests but also through exploration and alliances with guilds.
Adventure Teams
  • Team Assembly: Strategically selecting team members is crucial, taking into account their stats, classes, races, and equipment to increase mission success chances.
  • Skill Selection: Specialize your teams based on needs – different missions require different skills, from sabotage to rumor-related tasks.
Competition and Sabotage
  • Strategize Your Moves: When competing with other taverns, don't shy away from sabotage, but remember the potential consequences.
  • Guild Protection: Joining a guild can provide protection and support, but also requires involvement in local conflicts and defending territory from rivals.
  • Guild Membership Benefits: Being part of a guild opens new doors for you, from additional rumors to upgrades for your tavern.
Tavern keeper